Blogs & Resources
We’re here to equip you in your career, workplace and business niche—so you can further God’s Kingdom. For more ways to be resourced, sign up for our newsletter or listen to our podcast!
House of DIAMONDS: Restoring Dignity & Freedom Through Business
House of Diamonds founders, Ida & Lila, are creative entrepreneurs passionate about empowering marginalized women in their community. They know first-hand the life of stitching in a sweatshop and understand the abuse and mistreatment sweatshop workers often experience.
2024 Year in Review: Looking Back and Looking Ahead
2024 was an incredible year, but 2025 is going to be even better! Let’s reflect on some of the year’s highlights and look ahead to what the next year holds.
Creation Care: Stewardship in Missional Business
Not only does good environmental stewardship honour God, but it also enhances the quality of human life (BAM Global). Your stewardship of creation in business reflects your faith in God and His care for all living beings.
How to Champion a Missional Business: 5 Ways to Support Small Business Owners
In honour of Small Business Month, we created a list of five ways to support the amazing leaders behind our communities.
Redemptive vs. Ethical Business: Going Beyond Good Business
The Purpose and Fruitfulness of Profit
While we know that profit is not the be-all-end-all for a business, it IS a key aspect of a business. But what exactly is the purpose of profit? Why does it matter to have an accurate view of its function?
We welcomed Jonathan Wilson, a Co-Founder and Managing Partner of ThirdWay Capital, to share his expertise on this topic. With global experience in the business world, Wilson lead us to understand the rightful role of profit in a missional business, and the fruitfulness that follows.
Going Beyond Profit: Transforming Canada Through Missional Business
With Christian-owned businesses already making up 71.02% percent of the business population in Canada, and evangelical-owned businesses making up 7.68%, the time to apply missional business models is now. If we use the influence we already have and shift our business focus from profit to purpose, large-scale transformation for business across Canada could take place.
If even 50% of those 93 thousand evangelical-owned businesses followed the Quadruple Bottom Line, there would be at least 46,587 businesses following the four pillars of the QBL. This could mean over 46,587 businesses across Canada operating with financial wisdom, caring for God’s creation, showing love to all stakeholders, and intentionally serving God in everything.
5 Business Lessons from the Life of Jesus
There are over 300,000 business-related podcasts and countless business-focused blogs and books. That’s not including the number of seminars, webinars, and online courses available on the subject as well. The reality is, there are many places to go for business advice, but who better to look to than Jesus Himself?
A Fresh Perspective: Insights From the 2024 BAM Global Summit
At the BAM Global Summit, I had the privilege of connecting with, and hearing stories from, believers in every part of the world.
Glorifying God In Business: Reflections From An Intern
As Christian business leaders and employees, we recognize the opportunity and responsibility to glorify God through our work. This blog explores practical ways to navigate this journey, discussing topics such as stewardship, integrity, excellence, and service. Together, let's strive to honour God in all aspects of our professional endeavours, contributing to the advancement of His Kingdom.
Our Missional Business Bootcamp
After facilitating our first Missional Business Bootcamp earlier this month, hosted by Christian Life Assembly Church (CLA) in Langley, BC, we have future plans to take this across the country.
Understanding the Models: Business as Missions vs. Business for Missions
What is the difference between Business as Mission and Business for Missions? Why does this matter?
Find out more about these two missional business models in this blog!
Our Year In Review
Join us in looking back at our highlights of 2023 and our anticipations for 2024!
9 Must-See Missional Business Videos
Here’s a curated list of our 9 favourite missional business videos.
Business Leaders on Their Knees
Prayer is an important part in the life of a Christian. Prayer is our communication we have with God and it impacts every part of our lives. So what impact does it have on your business? What are some ways that you can prioritize prayer in your life?
Expanding Horizons
While BAM Canada’s main focus is on business owners and professionals, we do engage with other audiences, including mission sending agencies. This blog explains what benefits mission agencies can reap when they get involved in the BAM movement, including mobilizing global workers from a different, larger pond of people.
Creating a Healing-Centered Workplace
It's sobering to learn that 50 million people are trapped in modern slavery, and 80% of the survivors who are rescued are then re-trafficked. That's why the work of Freedom Business Alliance is so important— they understand that by providing survivors with stable jobs and trauma care, survivors have the security they need to avoid being re-trafficked. With stable job opportunities comes opportunities for holistic healing.
Across Canada’s Nation
Our dream for Canada is to see unity among strong missional business communities nationwide that collaborate while solving local problems as well as solving global issues, creating opportunities and dignity through business.
Beyond Sunday
As a church leader, it is important to engage the people of your church in the missional purpose God calls them to. To do this, you must consider where your church may need to make changes, and remember that you are not alone in pursuing the missional purposes of your people.
6 Lessons from the BAM Global Summit
Our team member, Abigail Hoogstra, attended the BAM Global Summit 2023 on her second day of work. Here are SIX of her learnings and new-found perspectives, along with new resources she discovered!
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"BAM Canada is a dream come true as it focuses on the need for a networking forum in Canada for business professionals learning to live out their faith in the marketplace, both here and abroad. And the right people are called to lead it. Praise God!"
— Larry Sharp, Founder of IBEC Ventures, BAM Support Specialist & Chair of Freedom Business Alliance