Glorifying God In Business: Reflections From An Intern
This blog was written by our Winter 2024 Video Editor and Storytelling Intern, Ryan Van Hemert. Ryan is a 4th year Media student in Ancaster, Ontario. He has been able to craft videos for BAM Canada and now has to opportunity to share how he has been able to glorify God through his work.
It’s crucial to understand that our work, whether as business leaders or employees, presents a unique opportunity to glorify God. In 1 Peter 4:10-11, we are reminded,
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever.”
This verse emphasizes the importance of using our gifts in service to others, with the ultimate goal of bringing glory to God. Being a steward of God’s grace can be tied directly to a business leader as it involves responsibly managing the resources and opportunities entrusted to you in a manner that honours God’s principles and contributes to the flourishing of society.
Challenges in Integrating Faith
Integrating our faith into our professional lives and business endeavors does not come without challenges. One of the primary struggles we face is the tension between the values of the world and the values of the Kingdom.
The business world, which often forgets to consider God, can sometimes make it difficult to openly express faith or incorporate Christian principles into daily interactions. As business leaders, we may fear backlash for being vocal about our beliefs, leading us to keep faith separate from our professional lives.
In addition to this, we may find that the fast-paced and competitive nature of business can consume our time and energy, making it challenging to prioritize spiritual growth and maintain a vibrant relationship with God. The demands of work can easily overshadow our commitment to building up God’s Kingdom, leaving us feeling disconnected from our faith.
In the face of these challenges, there are ways and practices to remain faithful to our calling as Christ’s ambassadors in the workplace. We must continually seek God’s guidance and strength to navigate how to operate a business.
Acting Out Faith Through Business
Ultimately, as Christian business leaders, we should seek to serve others and glorify God whether our faith is explicitly stated or not. Rather, those who interact with the business should be able to recognize the values that the business holds through its actions.
This involves maintaining integrity in all business practices, and could look like prioritizing customer needs, fostering a healthy work environment for employees, engaging in community service and social responsibility initiatives, empowering others to reach their full potential, and practicing sustainable stewardship of resources. By embodying the selfless love and compassion exemplified by Jesus Christ, Christian business leaders can effectively serve others and honour God in all aspects of their professional lives.
Personal Reflection
After four months working as a Video Editor and Storyteller Intern for BAM Canada, I have furthered my understanding in how I can use the gifts that God has given me to glorify Him and promote His Kingdom. As a BAM intern, the concept of being a faithful steward directly relates to the work I did as I utilized my talents in video editing and storytelling to serve BAM Canada. By effectively leveraging these abilities, I was a faithful steward of the gifts God has given me, contributing to the promotion of the organization’s mission of serving business leaders.
However, glorifying God through your gifts will look different from person to person. As business leaders promote God’s Kingdom using their many different gifts, others will see His love being demonstrated and His will being obeyed, both individually and collectively, as His followers work to bring about a positive impact in the world.
In my own work at BAM Canada, I have found that there are three key points that assist me in glorifying God through my work even through the struggles.
Key Points in Glorifying God Through Work:
Excellence in Work: Strive for excellence in all that you do, knowing that your work ultimately reflects your commitment to honouring God.
Stay Grounded in Faith: Remember that your identity and worth are rooted in your relationship with Christ, not in worldly success or achievements.
Generosity and Service: Be generous with your time, resources, and talents, recognizing that everything we have is a gift from God to be shared with others. Look for opportunities to serve those around you without complaints, demonstrating Christ’s love through your actions.
During my time as an intern, I strived for all these things, as I found that committing to excellence, faith, and service, not only strengthened my love for God, but for the organization and the people that will benefit from their message. I hope that each point can assist both business leaders and employees, as they glorify God and can contribute to successfully growing the business.
Integrating your faith into your work will contribute to the advancement of God’s Kingdom. Let’s commit to working in a manner that reflects the love and teachings of Christ, bringing glory to God’s name.