2024 Year in Review: Looking Back and Looking Ahead

The new year is fast approaching, and we’re excited to dive into all it has to offer. Before we look forward though, let’s reflect on the highlights of the past year.  

Ruth Ajayi, our Engagement Specialist, shares her thoughts in the blog post below.

As the newest member of the team, I joined BAM Canada in March 2024. Despite missing the first two months of the year, I’ve experienced so many incredible moments with the team.   


Capitalyze Conference -

One of my earliest highlights was the Capitalyze conference hosted by OneWay Ministries in Ottawa, Ontario. I had the amazing opportunity to speak on behalf of BAM Canada during a panel session about the importance of engaging young people in the faith and work movement.  

Our Co-Founder, Aubrey Tozer, and I also met some incredible people that we eventually collaborated with. (Listen to one of those collaborations in this podcast episode!)

BAM Global Summit -

Following Capitalyze, I attended the annual BAM Global Summit with my team members. Seeing BAM represented in so many different languages and cultures was an eye-opening experience!  

I’d always known that business was universal, but I didn’t realize how integral it was to the spread of the gospel around the world.  

You can read more of my reflections on the Summit in this blog post.    

Our Common Calling Gathering -

Later in May, Abigail and I attended a gathering called Our Common Calling in Calgary, Alberta. Meeting with individuals from the four different spheres of life, Academy, Agora, Assembly, and Agency, to listen and learn from each other was a unique experience.  

Not only were fruitful connections made, but I also saw firsthand the power of ideas and partnering with others on a shared mission.   


Continuing last year’s theme, we held a series of Round Tables focused on different aspects of the Quadruple Bottom Line. As a first-time host, I loved hearing the many stories and perspectives from our speakers. Each Round Table gave me a new perspective on missional business and expanded my understanding of what BAM could and should be.  

My personal favourites include The Purpose and Fruitfulness of Profit with Jonathan Wilson, and our Small Business Month panel discussion on Servant Leadership.   

Which Round Table was your favourite? Let us know in the comments! 


Finally, and perhaps most notably, the BAM Canada Network became a FREE community in 2024.  

The Network is an incredible community of like-minded business leaders seeking to be missional in and through their business. We know how hard it is to find community as a kingdom-minded business leader and want as many people to have access to this community as possible. 

There are no longer any barriers to joining the Network - so what’s stopping you? Sign up today and start journeying towards an integrated life of faith and business.


Looking ahead to 2025, we’re entering the year with a renewed vision and strategy for BAM Canada.   

We recognize that the cultural landscape has evolved since we first started in 2021. With this recognition, we’ve been making some changes to our work as well. Part of our renewed vision includes providing more opportunities for in-person connection.  

One of the ways we’re doing this is by partnering with local churches to host missional business bootcamps! Working with local ministries to engage and equip business leaders is one of our greatest joys, and 2025 is shaping up to be the Year of the Bootcamp! 

In February, we’ll be in the city of Calgary, then in March we’ll be in Guelph – and that’s only the start. 

We also want to bring your attention to other in-person events with a missional focus that are near you. Check out the Network Events page for local engagement opportunities. 

Make sure to stay connected with us on LinkedIn and through the Network, we’re just getting started!  

P.S. Listen to my recent podcast episode to learn more about our 2024 ! 


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