Missional Business?
Since the launch of the BAM Canada Network in March 2021, we've had the honour of meeting with 100's of Canadian entrepreneurs, church and non-profit leaders, and business owners who want to better understand how they can integrate God's design for work into business, while cultivating a more robust theological framework for operating in their work day-to-day as well.
But there’s a problem in the Canadian Business As Mission space - and we hope to help solve it:
We gather Canadian Christians passionate about growing in their redemptive purpose through business - and we consider ourselves a “Network of networks”. We don’t want to re-invent the wheel, rather, we want to highlight what is already taking place in one, collaborative space. Canada is vast and wide, filled with incredible, intelligent believers who are doing wonderful, God-honouring work - but we are disconnected.
When we began the Network in 2021 to bring Canadians together no matter where they are in the world, we discovered another gap: when our community gathered in our Round Tables and networking calls, we’d often talk about barriers to collaboration and the concept of being missional in business… but it often came from a theoretical stance centred around intention, not action. Many struggled with practically applying that into their work and day to day.
You too?
We know this: we are made to reflect Heaven on Earth through our businesses.
We believe that God designed humans with a calling to work and co-create with Him. And that means that how we operate in our workplaces and businesses has to look radically different than the culture that exists in society. It will look counter-cultural in some respects. It requires us to follow the way of Jesus instead of performance, achievement and self-ambition.
But how do you actually do that? And is your work really mission…or is it just a means to an end?
We’ve scoured the Internet and met with people around the world. We’ve seen different ways of practical application - but not in a way where they all tie together. So, in an effort to remain a Network of networks, we see the value in being your go-to for synthesizing large amounts of information, strategy and frameworks… into a course.
Today, we’re launching our first self-paced Foundations online course on the BAM Canada Network: God, Business + Me.
What makes this course unique? It is created with current content and best practices, curated from a wide variety of sources all around the world. After all, we are a collaborative, relational and experiential Network and community.
We want to help you practically apply what you're learning - now. It doesn’t matter what stage of life you’re in - if you work in a business, you are decades into building your own business or you are planning to start one. We want to help you apply missional frameworks and ways of being into your life, daily work and business model too.
No more keeping it head knowledge - the world needs you to be an arrow pointing to the One who came to bring redemption. Who gives us eternal life. Who is with us in every moment. Who loves us so deeply He died on a cross so we can live.
The world needs to know about Jesus - and you get to be His voice through your business.
Not in a cheesy, gimmicky way. But in a real, honest and tangible way for people to experience more of Heaven and His love in and through you — every single day!
We’ve jam-packed information into this 2-hour course:
3 Teaching sections:
God's View of Work & Business
Introducing Missional Business Frameworks
Applications to YOUR Business
10 Total audio lessons with transcripts
4 Worksheets for personal application
Footnotes with extra resources, references, books and links for further learning under each lesson
Access to topical discussion boards, questions and conversation - with the BAM Canada community!
Still thinking about it? This course really is for you if you are looking to:
To uncover God’s purpose and design for work and business in the Bible.
To discover God’s Kingdom purpose and possibility for your business.
To broaden your horizon as you see the potential to take your business calling (either personally or as a component of your business) global.
Check it out! It’s LIVE and available FREE for Network members, as it is hosted on our BAM Canada Network community app (accessible by desktop or phone app). Sign up here to get your first month of membership free - so you can then access the course! 🎉
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