Business and the Great Commission

Interracial hands raised together

Everyone is called to living on mission. It’s not a matter of if you will be called, it’s a matter of WHEN and HOW you choose to actively participate in who God has already called you to be, to do and to reach.

When we accept the Gospel and choose to follow Jesus, we are called to be His hands and feet - to be a Light and city on a hill. This calling is not something we have to wait around for, trying to figure out every detail nor is it only reserved for specific people in specific vocations. We already are His tangible expression of Heaven on earth - and that includes the work we do, the way we rest, our relationships with people and our daily devotion to God.

Here’s the thing:

How this plays out in YOUR daily life will likely look different for each of us - and that is okay! But there is one common thread that brings together the whole Body of Christ and that we can gather around in unity. It’s this:

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” - Matthew 28:19-20.

This passage is for all Jesus-followers, and it’s how we express our love and worship to God, for God and to show others about God – through both gathering and being the Church in the marketplace from Monday to Saturday as well.

Is your faith just an ethical lens in the workplace or is work a daily opportunity for you to be used by God?

It's not enough to say that I am a Christian running a business - I need to show who I am by being intentional about the everyday ebbs and flows of my business.

Jo Plummer, Co-Chair of BAM Global, explains “missional business” like this:

“Business as mission is demonstrating what the Kingdom of God is like in the context of business – and as we do so, engaging with the world’s more pressing social, economic, environmental and spiritual issues.

Missional business integrates a “Quadruple Bottom Line” approach in order to more effectively serve others and bring glory to God. Missional business is not just about making a profit (although profit is necessary in order to be generous and bring dignity through job creation). The other three components: people, the planet, and purpose - help us set more measurable, Kingdom-minded goals and approaches so that we can better live out the Great Commission in areas we are so fortunate to be in through our work.

The opportunity to be missional in your business extends far greater than simply “being a good Christian” in business:

A “good” Christian in business might look like someone who goes to church, attends bible study, and occasionally tells their colleagues at work about something they learned about their faith that week – if given the opportunity.  

There are lost opportunities that come from going to work with the simple label of a “Christian” as something that’s a part of your life and not integration a missional mindset in all you do.

The opportunity to utilize all your gifts and skills God has so graciously given you is everywhere:

You don’t need to be “overtly” Christian - but being missional looks like integrating the fabric of our lives to His Kingdom come, His will be done - and stewarding the work, the talent, the people, the planet and this business you’ve been entrusted with, well.

If this is a new concept, we understand it might feel overwhelming:

You are so much more equipped by God for this work than you know. And all that’s required is a humble obedience to take the next step.

This is a lifelong journey of surrendering our perspectives and embracing the humility that we’ll never arrive. There's always more to learn, more to uncover in the Word and in our lives for how He wants to move.

There's a practical application for you in your posture, today. How you show up. How you steward what God's given you—no matter where you are. The ground you're on is YOUR mission field. 

We’re here to help and continue these types of conversations in the BAM Canada Network - a private network that brings missional business owners and entrepreneurs together. 

We’ll leave you with this: 

"Do what you do well for the glory of God; do it somewhere strategic for the mission of God." 

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Missional Business?