Sacred vs. Secular

Bridge in the clouds

Have you heard the term: “the Sacred vs. Secular Divide”?

If you haven’t, you likely have felt it.

As humans, we tend to compartmentalize our lives—with one box for the “sacred” and another for the “secular”.

  • Our 1% and the 99%.

  • Our Sunday experience, and the rest of our Monday-Saturday.

  • Our church, private, family and community service life - and the rest of our life.

And, you may feel like unless you’re in vocational ministry work, your “work” inevitably gets boxed into the “secular” compartment.

We believe that’s simply not how God designed us live.

The perceived (and we say “perceived” on purpose) sacred vs. secular divide has existed for thousands of years... And it’s time we bridge it.

Your work is NOT at odds with the Kingdom of God. God created us for work in Eden—before the fall.

Do you know what this means?

  • It means your work is holy.

  • Your work is sacred and serves a purpose in the Kingdom.

  • Your work can be worship and is meaningful to God.

We’ve heard it said this way, in a recent event we hosted with Canadian church leaders:

“There is no sacred vs. secular—there’s only sacred and sinful.”

It’s time we take our “work” out of the “secular” box and get rid of the compartment altogether.

We believe work is Biblical, holy, and pleasing to God—and since we spend so much time of our waking hours working, it is only right that we should park here and prioritize HOW and WHY we do it. 

As BAM Canada, part of our mandate is to call out the purpose deep within you and remind you that your dreams, gifts and skills are God-given.

God did not create you to live a compartmentalized life. He desires an integration of your faith and work. If you have a heart for living on mission, wanting to see the Kingdom of God brought closer to earth, and want to do something about it—through your daily work.

You can. Your work can intentionally support God’s redemptive purpose here on Earth.

You can steward your work as Mission. Your business—whether you own it or work in one—is Mission and has the power to transform people, whole communities, culture, and the environment for the glory of God.

There is no sacred vs. secular. Now, let’s get going.

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