Wealth Creation 101
Did you know we host free events to help you intentionally be missional in your business? This month, we had the privilege to hear from BAM Global's Co-Chair Mats Tunehag on wealth creation. This aspect of business is key for human flourishing—and it’s another way to make the Gospel tangible in addressing the many types of poverty.
We don’t normally share our recordings and follow-up resources externally (all are located in the BAM Canada Network!), but this one was too good not to share. Lean into his presentation video and resources, below!
Wealth: it goes WAY beyond generating profit—and that’s what most people think when they think “wealth”. While profit is the lifeblood of a business, it’s vital in propelling the creation of different kinds of wealth for others. It’s like blood to the body.
We were introduced to BAM Global's Wealth Creation Manifesto (did you know it's available in 19 languages?!)... and the discussion took off. Here’s a brief synopsis of what we covered in the 60-minute Round Table:
A biblical definition and basis for “wealth” - and a key ingredient and definition that has often been left out of the conversation.
The call to lift others out of spiritual, financial, environmental and physical poverty - and how missional business is an answer to this need.
This is why the Quadruple Bottom Line approach is so important: wealth is interwoven into each of the four bottom lines. They are foundational pillars to a missional business.
A Q&A portion for attendees to pick Tunehag’s brain (not included in the video below, but it’s on the Network) - and even more resources and follow-up learning for you to take away and apply, below!
Watch our time with Tunehag, here:
Check out our key takeaways and Tunehag’s references:
Genesis 2:15: "The Lord God took man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." (NIV)
Deuteronomy 8:18: "But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today." (NIV)
Jeremiah 29:7: "Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper." (NIV)
Genesis 26:12: "Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him." (NIV)
Wealth creation is both a gift and command. God often told the Israelites in the Old Testament to get involved in the local economy so that the city prospers, abundance occurs and they can bring His Shalom.
We are called to help eradicate many different kinds of poverty, such as: spiritual, financial, environmental and physical. To flourish. To create. To diversify. Through business, we bring social, intellectual, physical and spiritual wealth to all those in our care and those we serve.
God is a God of abundance - did you know there are over 3,000 beetles and 30,000 types of orchids? This proves He rejoices in creating. Since we are made in His image and are co-creators with Him, the sky’s the limit for our creativity in and through our work…!
"The biggest lift out of poverty so far hasn't come through aid, but through trade."
Business and wealth is NOT subject to a zero sum equation. Through wealth creation, we “bake more pizza”—not cut it up into smaller pieces when more people show up than expected. That's what missional business and wealth creation does. 🍕
Want to learn more about wealth creation? Look no further:
Tunehag provided our attendees with a variety of wealth creation resources so you can keep learning and applying this in your business and work. Here's his full list, as well as what he shared in our Round Table).
We’re happy to curate them all for you, here:
1. Articles and papers:
2. BAM Global's BAM A – Z Booklet, which includes graphics and visuals.
3. Books:
Business as Mission Concepts and Stories, by Mats Tunehag and Gea Gort. For case studies and examples of BAM Wealth Creation, learn more here!
Conscious Capitalism, by John Mackey. This book is not from a Christian lens, but helps provide context for wealth and the positive impact it can have.
Chocolate Wars, by Deborah Cadbury - the Cadbury family were believers and tried to be missional in their chocolate business.
4. Videos:
Wealth Creation for Holistic Transformation, a critically important aspect for mission. The goals of these 13 episodes are to explain wealth creation, to highlight the importance of wealth creation for global Christianity and the church, and to inspire young leaders, established leaders, churches, organizations, and individuals so they understand the importance of wealth creation in their context. Resources are available to use this Global Classroom episode in a variety of contexts including classrooms, small groups, and individual study. (You can also watch the whole series on YouTube, here.)
The Role of Wealth Creation for Holistic Transformation. Tunehag shares a presentation on the various aspects of creating different kinds of wealth through business.
Wealth: What is wealth creation? How is it created? Does it have anything to do with why some country economies and social fabrics flourish more than others—even though they are neighbours?
How does this perspective around wealth creation change how you show up every day in YOUR business?
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