Navigating the Unknown

This blog was written by our Summer 2022 Marketing Assistant Intern, Madison Johnson. Madison is a 4th year business student in British Columbia. Her passion for business started when she heard that business could be a tool for living out the great commission in the world, especially the world's most unreached places.

Each summer intern got the chance to write about their experience with how they can bring the heart of Business As Mission practical into their day-to-day—in their student life stage. If that’s you too, lean in for some tangible encouragement:

Deciding what you’re going to pursue after high school graduation is a tough decision that feels very high-stakes—and many can relate to that.

The decisions begin to creep in when you’re 16 years old. You feel the pressure to figure out what career you’re going to pursue and where you’re going to study and live… it can be overwhelming.

Through prayer and conversations with trusted people, I started asking a different question: WHO? 

Who do I want to become? It wasn’t just about which university I wanted to attend, or if I should pursue sports through my studies or even the accomplishments I could achieve—but how I wanted to grow. This question allowed me to deepen my identity in Scripture and to remember God’s promises:

My identity in Him is constant wherever I am, in whatever career or job I pursue and wherever I go. 

Now, three years into my business degree, this realization has brought me so much comfort and an understanding that God will be with me and using me throughout all life paths including each institute I attend or business I’ll work for. 

This realization peaked when I was introduced to BAM in my first year through a Christian club at school. I began investigating how business could bring glory to God and Light to the people around me.

The questions about my future began to change. I instead started asking: how can one prepare to be missional in the workplace? How can I prepare myself for whatever God has me throughout the rest of my life and career—even now, as a student, when I don’t necessarily know what the future holds?

Here are 3 things I’ve done that have challenged my theology, strengthened my relationship with God and equipped me with the confidence to be a Light in all and future workplaces:

1. Seek ways to further the integration of your faith and work:

You don’t specifically need to go to a Bible college or work in vocational ministry in order to keep deepening your knowledge and faith. God calls us to live holistically no matter where we are. And yes, those spaces make for more obvious access to learning and asking questions—there’s immense value in them, but you also need to be intentional about seeking out resources, networks, and mentors. This is necessary no matter your stage of life.

Your faith was made to be integrated into your day-to-day, and just because you’re a student doesn’t mean you have to put your faith on pause when you’re at school.

  • At my current university, I’ve been able to meet other Christians in my program at the same stage who are navigating the same big questions as me.

  • I’ve also had the opportunity to volunteer with a Christian club on campus that offers mentorship, Bible studies, and outreach.

Plus, there’s resources about integrating your theology of work that you probably aren’t even aware of yet! One of those that changed the game for me was ENGAGE events organized by GlobalWorks, a partner of BAM Canada. This virtual (free) workshop propelled me to dig deeper into how God can use my studies, knowing that I can serve and bring glory to God through my profession and workplaces, like pastors do at their church.

2. Build relationships and grow your professional network:

When I was a first-year business student, meeting new people and initiating conversations with business professionals was challenging. It takes time, intention and practice. Here are a few things that helped me:

  • Start by connecting with someone at work, at school, or a friend of a friend who works in a position that either interests you or is totally unknown to you. Find people you want to learn from.

  • Be curious and schedule a 30-minute call over lunch time. Come prepared with a couple of questions to ask them, and ask how they integrate their faith into their work, industry and daily life.

  • Write notes and take time to articulate your thoughts and replies. This shows that you're interested and want to grow and expand your perspective—which in turn may interest the person to consider you in the future for job opportunities.

Don’t know where to start?! A really easy way to get connected to missional business professionals is through the virtual events, interviews and business coaching masterminds BAM Canada facilitates through their private Network. It’s like LinkedIn, but more intentional—a community gathering and growing together. I’ve loved being a part of an online community where people of all ages, all industries, and living in different nations come together to bring together their ideas and stories to share knowledge that can further the Great Commission.

3. Accept your calling to use everything to give God glory—including your work.

Even though you’re enrolled in a program or are taking general studies, you are already called to be a Light and make disciples, as stated in the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20 (see our blog on this topic here!). No matter what that looks like after graduation, you have a part to play in building His Kingdom here and now.

The BAM Canada Network’s ‘God, Business + Me’ course has provided so much clarity around a biblical basis for work, the 7 different kinds of Kingdom work types, and how I can be missional—knowing I’m outworking the Great Commission through my work and degree.

Even now, as a student, you can start learning, implementing missional practices, and be Kingdom-minded about your career before you even get started!

Let’s make this practical: 

  1. Practice integrating your faith with your time at school. Go where students congregate. Find like-minded students. Listen, and be quick to comfort and give encouragement. Offer to pray when appropriate—and remember that “no” doesn't mean “never”. You’re a Light to your campus.

  2. Pick up books that grow you. (My favourite author at the moment is Brené Brown—but you can find a list of 10 books the BAM Canada community loves, here). Partner in developing who God made you to be!

  3. Networking can be time consuming—remember to pace yourself. You do not need to talk to 100 people during your educational career and you do not need 500+ LinkedIn connections. It is not about striving. Even 2-3 conversations over a semester is a great start.

I want to leave you with this: As you keep navigating the unknowns about your future, career and even your degree, know that God will be your strength and guide, and He will mould you into the person He created you to be. Right now, you have the opportunity to join Him in the equipping by actively seeking information and wisdom from other experienced people including friends, family, teachers and local business owners.

Want to network for more Kingdom impact in our BAM Canada Network community?


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